During these weeks, there's something interesting here in the Uni, everybody struggling with coursework, going from one lecture to another and trying to find a time to relax, ending the Michaelmas Term and the last coursework while they already realise think that Lent Term courses have already begun. Some of them thinking that missing one lecture will help to finish their coursework. Unfortunately, this is something very usual, but quite ineffective from my point of view. Then the question is how to deal with all this pressure while you just want to find a time to relax.
I could say I'm not the best example to tell you how to deal with this, but I couldn't suggest what I saw on some friends that used to work day and night and sleeping just a few hours a day (or every two days in some cases). I cannot deny that I used to feel a bit guilty after seeing them going to work for a second shift while I was coming back to sleep. And of course, doing nothing for several days is not the best choice either.
But then the question is, when can I make more progress? After midnight? At the first hour in the morning? After the dusk? In my case, the problem was related to a lack of inspiration that used to happen from time to time, after several attempts to make any significant progress for my coursework and also some distractions like social media and a desire to conclude it fast, but in the best possible way.
Leading with frustration sometimes is the main issue, talking with classmates could be useful to reduce the stress but my main recommendation is to do something every day, to avoid going or staying in bed without doing a little or adding something new to your previous progress.
I couldn't say it is the best way to deal with all the assignments, but it seems to be sufficient to get closer the deadline with significant cumulative progress. And of course, you need some spare time that has to be used wisely; avoid staying in your room, go for a walk, maybe while you go to buy your groceries. Try a different route and treat yourself after finishing some progress, assign a time for that, furthermore if you feel you have no more ideas to add.
My rule of thumb, in this case, would be to end the day doing something new. I had the opportunity to attend a writing retreat, and I was surprised by how much you can write when there are no distractions, no calls, no social media, no WhatsApp. But it has to be mixed with motivation and inspiration. I'm not good on constant work at the beginning, but after getting involved and some motivation, I think I could be working on a subject for ages. The problem after getting all the necessary motivation to do the work is that I could end doing something that even when relevant, is not related to the main question that is asked primarily on the assignment.
Losing the bearings is another risk and here my recommendation is to ask for some directions to your tutors or classmates, the sooner, the better because can be quite painful if you decide to do it just a few days before the deadline.
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